Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunday, Sunday!!!

A great weekend wraps up a lovely week. First and foremost, Mom made it through all five days of shots with flying colors!! She felt a little queasy one day; another, she was really knocked out by a massive dose of benadryl, administered to help with injection site reactions. She also got blood in the middle of the week. She says she has massive bruising from the shots (two sets daily, in different locations each time)which was not unexpected, due to the fact that she's so low on platelets. But she's very sore. Other than that--she feels quite wonderful. She has three weeks off until the next round of pin cushioning.

I took barista training on Saturday at church. That's right, we have a coffee ministry. (Welcome to Seattle!) I can hardly wait to get started.

Friday, Bill got home from a long stint in Las Vegas. The three of us & the Costanza's went over to a nearby middle school and...ran. Yes, the woman whose lifelong motto has been "Run if you're being chased" has started running. Well, running is a little generous. I think I'm actually still in the attempting to run phase. Jack, Nick & Claire are on their school's track team, so Kari got the bright idea that they actually should train for this--so I've been puffing around the oval with Jack. Bill and I even got running shoes today! Running shoes!
--Be sure to check out the new photos below--

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